Social & Racial Justice Guiding Principles

Decolonize Mental Health. We will critically examine and dismantle existing Eurocentric mental health standards of treatment and broader societal constructs that perpetuate stigmatization, disenfranchisement, and racism while engaging in critical thinking, and also generating and promoting antidotal approaches to these problematic patterns.

Values Awareness. We will intentionally explore our own values, as well as our roles and responsibilities in society including challenges and barriers to openness and motivation to affect racial justice change. We will practice skills of mindfulness and curiosity in order to gain awareness of our contribution to racism.

Respect and Bravery. We will honor our varying and/or opposing points of view, commit to doing and saying what’s difficult, changing ourselves and the culture around us by getting involved in the committee in ways that stretch our comfort levels.

Active learning. We will create and participate in opportunities to learn how race and racism intersect at the personal, interpersonal, organizational, and institutional levels. We will offer in-house CE workshops, group discussions, online learning opportunities, etc., in order to facilitate growth and awareness.

Acknowledgement of Bias. We will acknowledge that we are all systematically taught misinformation about our own group and about members of other groups.

Shared Responsibility. We commit to equally sharing the labor of social justice work and believe that input from all is required for decision making.

Community Engagement. We will collaborate to explore and share resources (professional and personal), BIPOC creators (artists, authors, innovators, activists), business and community events to deepen support and awareness of these community contributors. We will participate in community volunteerism on a regular basis.

Anti-Racist Work Culture. We will intentionally create an inclusive environment in the workplace that is equally appealing for people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, religions, gender identities, and sexual orientations. We recognize that racial justice is essential for good health and well-being, and we will practice good self-care to remain hopeful and revitalized for this work.

Collective Presence. We will engage in an opening and or closing ritual to build our therapeutic community and engage in collective presence.